National Park Concessions: Will Profits Rule?
Transcribed and edited from an unpublished manuscript, May 1981
Will Profits Prevail in the Parks?
Transcribed with permission from the Earth Island Journal, June 2, 1981
Toxic Chemical Disposal: Are We Wasting Away?
Transcribed with permission from the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Aug.19, 1981
Gloucester Harbor: Too Polluted to Swim In?
September 1982
California’s Tuolumne River: Wild and Scenic or Dammed?
January 1983
Great Britain’s Nuclear Power Plant Debate: Pros and Cons
March 1983
Resources for Cape Ann
Reproduced from the former New Age Magazine, March 1983
The Battles for a River
Reproduced with permission from Outside Magazine, September 1983
Quick Sands
Reproduced with permission from The Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 24, 1984
Britain’s Nuclear Debate Switches to Safety
Reproduced with permission from The Christian Science Monitor, April 2, 1984
The Reagan Presidency
Self-published, 1984
Staking Claims on the Last Frontier
Reproduced with permission from Sierra, July-August 1984.
New Allergy Hits the South Pacific
Reproduced with permission from Murmurs, March 1985
Acadia: Park Without Boundaries
Reproduced with permission from Sierra, May-June, 1985
Low-level Lowdown
Reproduced with permission from Sierra, July-August 1985
Parable of the Frog: The Challenge of Acid Rain, (Hungarian)
Reproduced with permission from Természetvédelem, Fall 1985
Parable of the Frog: The Challenge of Acid Rain
Transcribed into English from Természetvédelem, Fall 1985
Letter to Massachusetts Office of Environmental Affairs
Reproduced with permission from Sanctuary magazine, October 1988
Antarctica Oil Spill May Delay Minerals Agreement
March 1989