Profiles in Diplomacy: Physician to the World, Dr. Bernard Lown
Reproduced with permission from The CID Report, Jan.-Feb. 1985. Excerpt from the book, Citizen Diplomats (formerly Continuum Press, now owned by Bloomsbury Publishing, with permission). Michael Shuman partially holds the copyright.
Riding in Tandem – Christopher Senie
Reproduced with permission from The CID Report, May-June 1985. Excerpt from the book, Citizen Diplomats (formerly Continuum Press, now owned by Bloomsbury Publishing, with permission). Michael Shuman partially holds the copyright.
The Innocent Abroad-Samantha Smith
Reproduced with permission from The CID Report, Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 1985. Excerpt from the book, Citizen Diplomats (formerly Continuum Press, now owned by Bloomsbury Publishing, with permission). Michael Shuman partially holds the copyright.
Proving the Experts Wrong, A Profile of Norman Cousins
Reproduced from the Kettering Review, Fall 1986. with permission. Excerpt from the book, Citizen Diplomats (formerly Continuum Press, now owned by Bloomsbury Publishing, with permission). Michael Shuman partially holds the copyright.